Witchy Herbs List
This list isn’t the most extensive list there is. It’s just a few things that haven’t popped up on my other list of witchiness. Some of these, I can’t grow in Alaska, but a lot of these I do. They make great flowers and most are easy to grow. Some are even considered weeds. Have fun!
Attracts good luck and wisdom
Acts as an amulet for youthfulness and protection
Strengthens personal power
Shields against negative influences
Breaks hexes and provides restful sleep
Draws luck and aids in spell reversal
Encourages facing challenges
Useful for divination and artistic inspiration
Associated with weather magic
Promotes financial abundance and domestic joy
Contributes to hunger prevention
Brings luck and generosity
Attracts monetary gain and business success
Enhances compassion, luck, and well-being
Offers protective benefits and healing properties
Fosters harmony, courage, and clear vision
Used in exorcism rituals
Involved in garden magic and spells for love
Symbolizes beauty, marriage, healing, and wisdom
Pertains to sea-related spells
Brings luck and protection
Associated with happiness and inspiration
Facilitates divination practices
Belladonna (Toxic)
Aids in forgetting past relationships
Offers protection and is tied to beauty
Historically used in flying ointments
Purifies spaces and encourages prosperity
Eases stress, anger, and irritability
Assists with concentration, alleviating depression, and astral projection
Linked with financial gain and restful sleep
Provides protection from illness and evil
Brings luck and wealth
Serves for protection, exorcism, and purification
Protects against lightning, infertility, and the evil eye
Black Cohosh
Used in banishing spells and energy clearing
Black Pepper
Drives away negativity
Aids in exorcism
Strengthens inner fortitude
Conducts exorcisms and protects against spirits
General safeguarding
Offers protection
Associated with sea and wind spells
Attracts financial gains and customers
Blessed Thistle
Purifies and guards against negative energies
Helps in hex breaking and vitality
Grants strength when carried
Ensures protection, particularly of children
Keeps evil at bay and fortifies the aura
Blue Cohosh
Represents endings and closure
Borage Leaf
Instills courage and assists in peacefulness
Enhances psychic abilities
Wards off evil and provides calm
Borage Flower
Cultivates self-courage and inner peace
Encourages self-love and inner strength
Assists in third eye activation
Cleanses magic and ward offs negativity
Used for protection and healing spells
Draws success, especially in legal affairs
Bolsters psychic and spiritual powers
Dispels unwanted energy
Evokes lust, love, and fidelity
Sweetens interactions
Provides protection and strength
Heals and intensifies magical capabilities
Brings balance
Facilitates work with animals
Draws in love, fortune, and contentment
Utilized in beauty spells
Encourages luck and empowerment
Helps with prosperity and spiritual shields
Cedar Berries
Protective and cleansing
Effectively repels negative forces
Combats depression
Treats various ailments including hemorrhoids
Engenders love, protection, and cleansing
Aids in stress reduction and attracting wealth
Aids healing and wards off negative beliefs
Brings renewal
Employed in lunar rituals
Enhances animal magic and love bonds
Stimulates fidelity and passion
Breaks hexes
Clover, Red
Addresses matters of love and wedlock
Augments success and wealth
Acts as a protective agent and banishes negativity
Used in divination
Promotes dental health and draws adoration
Assists in wealth generation
Coordinates with tranquility and love spells
Supports healing and safe travel
Involved in money, endurance, and stability magic
Engenders love, health, and satisfaction
Considered an aphrodisiac
Protects and brings peacefulness
Primarily used for creating magical ink
Associated with loyalty and shielding
Utilized in love charms and culinary spells
Connected with bereavement
Promotes healing and self-respect
Protects, invokes love, and prevents nightmares
Enhances sexual desire
Used in love attraction and sex magic
Summons spirits
Conveys wishes
Promotes healing and negates negativity
Dandelion Root
Employed in divination
Facilitates dream fulfillment
Used in astral travel
Dock Root (Yellow)
Relieves from emotional burdens
Used in fertility, healing, and prosperity spells
Removes obstacles and unknots ties
Amplifies clairvoyant skills
Augments money drawing spells
Provides protective energy
Egg Shells
Shields and calms spaces
Elder Tree
Induces sleep
Releases enchantments
Safeguards against negativity
Elderflower & Berry
Brings peace and healing
Useful in exorcism practices
Stimulates the intellect and heart
Useful in love magic
Protects against natural elements like lightning
Stimulates the intellect and heart
Useful in love magic
Protects against natural elements like lightning
Encourages health and well-being
Clears negative energy, facilitating a space for healing and protection
Used in rituals for purification
Strengthens the core of inner strength and resolve
Attracts strength, vitality, and sexual energy
Protects against curses and interference
Aids in protection against accidents and unexpected harm
Utilized in spells for spiritual healing and psychic protection
Symbolizes fertility, divination, and love
Enhances psychic ability and insight
Used in spells for prosperity
Brings protection, beauty, and psychic perception
Employed in healing rituals
Encourages the manifestation of one's desires
Elevates spiritual vibrations for meditation and ritual consecration
Offers protection, exorcism, and purification benefits
Draws blessings and positive energies
Galangal Root
Empowers spells for luck, protection, and psychic development
Known to break spells cast by others and turn them back
Aids in court cases and legal matters by providing a shield of protection
Brings peace, love, and healing
Used in moon magick for its strong lunar associations
Protects from negative energies and encourages spiritual growth
Offers protection against negative forces and entities
Known for its health benefits and magical properties to ward off evil
Used in healing spells and to promote courage
Stimulates personal power and success
Attracts prosperity and spiritual growth
Boosts the effectiveness of spells for love and money
Ginkgo Biloba
Used for mental clarity and longevity
Enhances memory and concentration in magical practices
Invokes ancient wisdom and helps in meditative journeys
Encourages happiness, fertility, and protection
Known to mend broken hearts and offer emotional healing
Guards against negative energies and strengthens personal boundaries
Attracts faery and spirit energies for guidance and protection
Enhances physical vitality and brings luck in love and financial matters
Used in spells to connect with the ancestral realm and honor the dead
Enhances divination abilities and psychic dreams
Invokes passion and love, attracting new relationships
Used in spells for personal empowerment and attraction
Protects against negative energy and unwanted spirits
Promotes dreams and aids in the retrieval of hidden knowledge
Symbolizes perseverance and invites positive energy during challenges
Attracts money, success, and business opportunities
Known for its sweet fragrance that enhances intuition and psychic abilities
Used in spells to protect property and encourage fidelity in relationships
Purifies spaces and clears away negative energies
Promotes spiritual cleansing and protection
Used in rituals for healing and purifying, often added to bathwater for ritual baths
Symbolizes fidelity, eternal life, and strong, enduring friendships
Used for protection and to attract positive, lasting relationships
Enhances determination and resilience, aiding in overcoming obstacles
Attracts spiritual love and wealth
Enhances prophetic dreams and psychic abilities
Used in love spells to encourage romance and passion
Acts as a protective shield, warding off negative influences and theft
Invokes clarity, particularly in situations requiring wisdom and insight
Used in purification rituals and to attract healthy, positive energies
Promotes peace, tranquility, and relaxation, easing stress and anxiety
Enhances intuition and psychic awareness, facilitating spiritual connections
Used in love spells and to purify the home, bringing a sense of harmony
Lemon Balm
Attracts love, success, and healing energies
Known for its ability to lift spirits and ease melancholy
Used in spells for longevity and mental clarity, often in healing potions
Protects against negative energies and encourages psychic visions
Attracts respect, admiration, and prophetic dreams
Used in legal matters and spells for justice, offering clarity and support
Stimulates energy, communication, and vitality
Attracts financial prosperity and improves business acumen
Used in spells for travel protection, healing, and to enhance sexual desire
Opens the doors to the spiritual realm, enhancing astral projection and lucid dreaming
Protects travelers and aids in healing practices
Used in divination and spells to heighten intuition and psychic abilities
Symbolizes strength, stability, and nobility
Attracts good health, prosperity, and protection
Used in rituals for fertility, strength, and endurance, harnessing the power of thunder and rain
Embodies peace, wisdom, and victory
Fosters harmony in relationships and attracts fidelity
Used in rituals for healing, peace, and to enhance the power of spells
Associated with death and rebirth, symbolizing new beginnings
Enhances communication with the spiritual world
Used in purification rituals and to ward off negative energies
Symbolizes love, passion, and desire
Promotes emotional healing and brings about feelings of happiness
Used in love spells, beauty rituals, and to attract good fortune
Known for its cleansing and purifying properties
Dispels negativity and promotes wisdom and psychic awareness
Used in protection spells and to purify sacred spaces
Offers courage, hope, and energy
Enhances creativity and is used to attract loyalty
Used in healing rituals and to strengthen psychic connections
Holds the power to cleanse the aura and protect against malevolent forces
Energizes rituals and spells, enhancing their effectiveness
Used in ceremonies for purifying, healing, and creating peace
Symbolizes flexibility, intuition, and the Moon's magic
Enhances psychic abilities and invites dreams to reveal truths
Used in spells for healing, love, and to ease emotional pain
Associated with courage and love, it offers protection and psychic vision
Enhances skills in divination and opens the mind to receive guidance
Used in spells for courage, love, and to ward off negative energy